Summary: Faithful listening to God and obedience to God make living with Jesus an adventure for Joseph and Mary … and for all of us as well. There is much we can learn from Joseph that will help us throughout our lives. |
Summary: When the plans we so carefully make are changed against our wishes, God may well smile knowing that the detour will take us to a better place. Joseph had not planned to go to Egypt anymore than he had planned to go to Bethlehem, but he was a man who knew the voice of God. He knew the difference between listening to God and attempting to be God. This story of a trip to Egypt, which we have heard so many times, is an invitation to all of us to rethink the way we respond to so many of life’s unexpected and sometimes unwelcome moments. |
Summary: While the Bible does not offer a way to see the future, it does offer a way to approach the future. Biblical hope lights the path for us. It allows us to move forward, trusting God. |
Summary: Joseph was warned in a dream to take his new family to Egypt and, later, to bring it home again. But Herod exacted a terrible price from the families with infant boys of the area around Bethlehem. Evil still threatens children today. How can we respond? |
Summary: Joseph was not the only one to be told to take a walk in the dark to a place he had never been. He was not the only one called to lead his family to safety. Each of us is called to take our family to the only safe place there is, a place of holiness. The walk may be difficult. It may have to be taken in the dark of doubt or even the dark of not knowing. But ours is a God who walks with us and who can be counted on to bring us home. |
Summary: In this story of the holy family’s flight to Egypt, we are shown what is perhaps the primary mystery of the Incarnation: We are shown where in the world we will find God in the flesh. |
There are 6 sermons in your results. |