As Unto the Lord
For years, Youngstown, Ohio, was a major steel-produci

Belonging to God
Jenny was a vibrant lady in northern Ohio who had a lo

Christ in the Center
Near the end of his life, the missionary and evangelis

Darkness and light
There is darkness in the world. We might see the darkn

Difficulties of Life
"Life is difficult." In fact, that's the opening sent

Don’t Skip to the Ending
In her book about her struggles with stage IV colon ca

Expecting God’s Grace
Flannery O'Connor was an American writer who died in 1

Facing the Storms of Life
On the high plains of North America, there is a lesson

Fire Dormancy Plants
In February 2009, there was an enormous wildfire in th

God’s Presence
Once there was a little boy named Ryan, who went into

It’s a Tough Job
An exhausted young mother dragged herself to the telep

Learning from Disaster
In 2020, a writer named Rebecca Solnit wrote in Brita

Responding to the Blows of Life
So how are we to respond to the awful blows, the torna

The Prayers of Others
Several years ago, Lloyd John Ogilvie, the then newly

The Presence of God
Sometimes, it is only in truly difficult times that we

The Troubled Are Us
Some years ago, when Pierre Trudeau was prime minister

Trusting the Lord
An unmarried woman serving for over 30 years as a miss

When it Rains, It Pours
In 1911, the Morton Salt Company started adding magnes

Who’s With You in Times of Trouble?
There's a story about a photographer assigned by a nat