Once there was a Methodist minister who went fishing w
Maundy Thursday, 1865, was a teaching moment about lov
The man born blind (Jn. 9) felt the touch of Christ an
The great 20th-century Russian novelist Boris Pasterna
More than a century ago, the Danish theologian Soren K
Pastors are sometimes approached by people who seem to
There's a story about a young French priest who came i
There once was a group of Bible translators who were w
Even if we cannot fully explain how Jesus' sacrifice r
Jesus "humbled himself and became obedient to the poin
In a series of books called The Chronicles of Narni
A woman who had taken time to contemplate Holman Hunt'
In 2006, author Cormac McCarthy published a novel titl
In the movie My Life, Michael Keaton plays Bob Iv