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Search Results – 15 illustrations found for ‘Jesus’
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A Dark Lure

Once there was a Methodist minister who went fishing w Please log in to view complete illustration.


A Teaching Moment

Maundy Thursday, 1865, was a teaching moment about lov Please log in to view complete illustration.


Born blind

The man born blind (Jn. 9) felt the touch of Christ an Please log in to view complete illustration.


Christ changed everything

The great 20th-century Russian novelist Boris Pasterna Please log in to view complete illustration.


Christ the Exemplar

More than a century ago, the Danish theologian Soren K Please log in to view complete illustration.


Getting to the Place Where Jesus Is

Pastors are sometimes approached by people who seem to Please log in to view complete illustration.


Good Friday

There's a story about a young French priest who came i Please log in to view complete illustration.


Jesus for Real

There once was a group of Bible translators who were w Please log in to view complete illustration.


Jesus’ One–time Sacrifice

Even if we cannot fully explain how Jesus' sacrifice r Please log in to view complete illustration.


Jesus’ Self–emptying

Jesus "humbled himself and became obedient to the poin Please log in to view complete illustration.


Not Safe, but Good

In a series of books called The Chronicles of Narni Please log in to view complete illustration.


Responding to Christ

A woman who had taken time to contemplate Holman Hunt' Please log in to view complete illustration.


Sending the Son

In 2006, author Cormac McCarthy published a novel titl Please log in to view complete illustration.


Telling Us What We Need to Know

In the movie My Life, Michael Keaton plays Bob Iv Please log in to view complete illustration.


The Good Shepherd

A church in northeastern Pennsylvania worships around Please log in to view complete illustration.

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