A Hypothermia Prevention Shelter
The winter months can be a dangerous time, especially
A Teaching Moment
Maundy Thursday, 1865, was a teaching moment about lov
Applying the Law
It was just another skirmish in the culture wars. In 1
Being Recognized
Maybe your Heavenly Father designed you to play a role
Called to be Fruitful
Pastoral theologian Henri Nouwen lays it on the line w
The Christian writer C.S. Lewis was often criticized b
Fruit Worthy of Repentance
Take a minute to calculate how much you will spend on
God at Work Through Us
A teenager named Chauncy Jones discovered the power of
Good Deeds
Author Saul Bellow wrote about a rabbi who lived in a
Good Deeds Done in Secret
The Venerable Bede, one of the great Saints of the Chu
Mixed Motives?
There's a story about a time when six 15-foot-tall pal
Paying it forward
One day in 2014, Myles Eckert, age 8, found $20 in the
Prayers in Words &helllip; and Actions
Every Tuesday a group of women from a small suburban c
Remembering the Boatlift
One of the hidden stories of 9/11 occurred after the T
The Reward
In her book Preaching the Gospel of Mark, Dawn
The World’s Last Night
If we knew — not just guessed or speculated but
An old story recounts how a man was caught stealing sh
Unity in Christian service
During the Civil War, the Battle of Antietam (Septembe
What Christians Do
Greg Carey, professor of New Testament at Lancaster Th