Called to be Fruitful
Pastoral theologian Henri Nouwen lays it on the line w

Checking our belief
Doubt is not a sin. It is a time for checking up on ou

Cheering Jesus but Not Following Him
Do you know the name Irvin S. Cobb? You would, if you

In J.R.R. Tolkien's novel The Lord of the Rings

Christ the Exemplar
More than a century ago, the Danish theologian Soren K

Brendan Manning, in his book, The Ragamuffin Gospel

Following Jesus, no matter where
Our history abounds with examples of those who followe

God’s Contender
Johannes Naas (1669-1741). Naas was a native of German

John the Baptist
Back in the 1950s and ‘60s, there was a televisi

Live for the praise of Christ’s glory
Sister Norma Pimentel ministers on the Texas-Mexico bo

Next One Up
It's not clear which team in the NFL used the term fir

Oscar Romero
Oscar Romero
In 1977, a quiet and traditional Catholic priest named

Over the centuries, followers of Jesus have recognized

Radical Discipleship
A while back, an amazing group of women called "The Li

Saying “Yes” to God
Jesus reminds us that our past is in the past. How we

"Is yoga a sin?" The question was asked in a letter to

Serving God is the Right Thing to Do
There's a true story of an older couple visiting an en

Spiritual satisfaction
The Samaritan woman at the well met someone who offere

Surrender to Service
St. Oscar Romero, then Archbishop of El Salvador, gave

Take Up Your Cross
"Take up your cross." This is closely related to denyi

We are His Monument
On the Revolutionary War battlefield in Saratoga, New

Worth Dying For
During the turbulent years of the Vietnam War, a colle