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Reading: Matthew 4:1–11
RCL: Lent 1  LFM: Lent 1  BCP: Lent 1  LSB: Lent 1 Legend
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So Many Ways to be Tempted; One Sure Way Forward


No one is exempt from temptation, not even Jesus. Jesus was tempted but did not sin. Instead, he showed us by example how to live a life of faithfulness.

Paul Simon’s song, “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover,” was released in 1975 on his “Still Crazy After All These Years” album. Simon wrote the song following his divorce from Peggy Harper. It became Simon’s sole number one hit as a solo artist on the Billboard Hot 100.⁠1 You’ve probably heard these lyrics:


You just slip out the back, Jack

Make a new plan, Stan

You don’t need to be coy, Roy

Just get yourself free

Oh, you hop on the bus, Gus

You don't need to discuss much

Just drop off the key, Lee

And get yourself free.


            Paul Simon was not around at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, but Satan was, and he was ready to use any means necessary to thwart Jesus’ work and ministry. The striking similarity between Simon’s song and Satan’s attack is the ease with which both treat what they are suggesting as being of little significance. Simon’s repeated use of the word “just” hints at how seemingly unimportant his suggestions are: “Just slip out the back; just get yourself free; just drop off the key; and get yourself free.” It’s no big deal, right?

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