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Reading: John 17:20–26
RCL: Easter 7  LFM: Easter 7  BCP: Easter 7  LSB: Easter 7 Legend
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The Love of Divine Prayer


Jesus’s final act is to pray for his friends and disciples. We are invited to the kind of intimate relationship Jesus has with God, not as eavesdroppers, but as active participants in a lifestyle of divine love.

            A woman who was scheduled to have a complex spinal surgery asked for many prayers from anyone who would listen before the surgery. Even people who didn’t seem especially religious would hear her ask them to pray for her. Sometimes the plea would be in coded language, like “send me good vibes” or “I need healthy thoughts!” but always the sentiment in her heart was the same: she hoped they would pray for a positive outcome.

            When the surgery went well, she said it was thanks to all those prayers. She was sure that the prayers had guided the surgeon’s hand, had helped her nurses and assisted her to manage the pain after surgery. When the recovery became challenging, and even life-threatening at one point when it became clear that an emergency surgery would be necessary to clear up serious complications, she credited prayers with her ability to call for help when her body failed her. Prayer was what gave her nurses a level head and her surgeon an even demeanor under pressure. Prayer got her through. And when physical therapy was challenging, painful and seemed pointless, she cited prayer as the force that energized her and carried her through to successful outcomes and her return to a normal lifestyle. Even today, she will tell people that she could “feel the prayers” lifting her up and getting her through.



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