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Reading: Mark 8:27–38   (Verses 27–35 for LFM)
RCL: Proper 19  LFM: Ordinary Time 24  BCP: Proper 19  Legend
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Stories in the Stones


Each of us is carving an inscription for our lives through the choices we make every day. So, what will be on your gravestone? Perhaps a cross, carrying a message of loving sacrifice.

            In New Haven, Connecticut, is a burial ground called the Grove Street Cemetery, completely surrounded by the campus of Yale University. One day, the president of Yale was walking through New Haven, and he looked up at the inscription on the gate of the cemetery. It said, “The dead shall be raised.” The president commented, “They certainly shall ... if Yale ever needs the property.”

            The Grove Street Cemetery was founded in 1796 as America’s first planned burial ground. It contains a number of notable Americans, including Noah Webster of dictionary fame; Eli Whitney, inventor of the cotton gin; and Walter Camp, pioneer of American football. It also has some gravestones with fascinating inscriptions. John Boswell was a scholar whose research into same-sex unions in the medieval church caused a stir in the 1990s. His headstone has a line from The Chronicles of Narnia: “He was not a tame lion.” There are stories in these stones!

            Two chemists are also buried at Grove Street, John Kirkwood and Lars Onsager. They were friends as well as rivals. Kirkwood’s stone is inscribed with a long list of academic positions and honors, a complete professional résumé. Onsager’s stone, on the other hand, simply says, “Nobel Laureate ... etc.”1 In terms of professional rivalry, you can tell that Onsager gained the upper hand. Yes, there are stories in these stones!


Gravestone for Jesus

            Jesus was walking with his disciples to the v

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