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Reading: John 6:24–35   (Verses 22–35 for LSB)
RCL: Proper 13  LFM: Ordinary Time 18  BCP: Proper 13  LSB: Pentecost 10 Legend
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Healing Our Hungers


As in other places in scripture, John draws a connection between food and faith. Jesus came as the bread of life, who feeds our spiritual hunger. One way to respond is to heal our relationship to physical food.

            Can we be honest? We don’t have a good relationship with food. We eat too much. We eat in unhealthy ways. We throw too much food away. 

            Even if we cut back on the calories and practice portion control, we can’t forget the wider world. We can avoid feelings of guilt only by ignoring the starvation around the world. A heartbreaking story arose out of South Sudan on Christmas Day of 2020. Kallayn Keneng watched her two children die of hunger. They both cried and begged her for food, but she had nothing to give them. After her 7-year-old and 5-year-old children died, she had no strength to bury them, so she simply covered their bodies in grass.1 

            The hunger of the world hangs over us. One pastor friend once tried an experiment in his church. He colluded with the youth, giving them a tambourine to pass around during a church service. Every few seconds, one of the youths struck the tambourine, and then passed it to another youth. The adults in the congregation spoke up and demanded to know what the youth were up to. The pastor cautioned patience and assured the congregation that they would receive an explanation. 

            At the end of the service, one of the youths went to the microphone to explain that each tambourine strike represented a child dying of hunger. We put out of our minds the hunger of the world and the deaths of children, but the tambourine kept them from sliding off the radar screen. 

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