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Reading: Matthew 23:1–12
RCL: Proper 26  BCP: Proper 26  Legend
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With God, Life is Pass/Fail


God doesn’t judge us according to our deeds, but rather by the standard of grace; consequently, we should behave toward others with humility.

            Most pastors find it revealing to see where people choose to sit in church.

            Some seek out their accustomed places (you know who you are). That’s a handy thing for pastors, because — after a little time in the congregation — if we need to talk to somebody after church, we can very often tell at a glance if that person is here.

            It’s not so handy for first-time guests who come early. They’ve never seen the invisible seating chart. Like as not, they may end up in somebody else’s favorite pew. (If you’re a regular, and this ever happens to you, please be gracious; nothing’s so off-putting to a newcomer as a steely glare from some insider!)

            Some worshipers are more accustomed to sit in the front — the “Hallelujah bench,” in the words of the old-time evangelists.

            A great many more make a beeline for the back. We all know that, in high season, there can be quite a competition for the back rows!

            There was a humorous meme that made the social-media rounds during the first days of virtual church, at the start of the Covid-19 epidemic. The photo — of a family of three sitting in front of their TV — is titled “Live Streaming Church.” Mother, father and teenage daughter are sitting together on the sofa. In front of them are two rows of empty chairs. The caption says: “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

            Why is it that people prefer the back rows? Are the seat cushions any thicker back there? Or is it a case of being more like old Moses, keeping his distance from the burning bush?


On Moses’ seat

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