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Reading: Matthew 21:23–32   (Verses 28–32 for LFM)   (Verses 28–32 for BCP)
RCL: Proper 21  LFM: Ordinary Time 26  BCP: Proper 21  LSB: Pentecost 17 Legend
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A Vignette From the Vineyard


Jesus uses a family drama to offer some hard teachings about faithfulness, and he gives us a snapshot of life in the church and the world that is just as applicable now as it was then.

            In this parable, just as in the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus dresses up some hard teachings in a story about a father and two sons. In this case, we have a father of some means, who owns a vineyard. He goes to both sons, at different times, and says, “Son, go and work in the vineyard today.” One says, rather insolently, it seems, “No,” but then ends up going, anyway. The other says something like, “Right away, sir!” but doesn’t go.

            Jesus then asks the deceptively simple question, which of the two actually did the will of the father? There is more to the answer than his interlocutors might want to know — more, for that matter, than we might want to know. 

            The story, in context, is a kind of an answer to people in the immediately preceding scene who are questioning Jesus’ authority. Jesus has just “cleansed the temple,” driving out various money-changers and businessmen, people selling items for sacrifice and people exchanging the coin of the realm for the currency used in the temple. It should be pointed out that, under the operant rules of the temple, these merchants have a perfect right to be there, doing what they’re doing. They are regulated, so that they do not overcharge or take advantage. Yet, Jesus has driven them out, exclaiming, in a paraphrase of the prophets Isaiah and Zechariah, “‘My house shall be called a house of prayer’; but you are making it a den of robbers.”1

            When he returns the next day, the chief priest

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