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Reading: Matthew 20:1–16   (Verses 1–16a for LFM)
RCL: Proper 20  LFM: Ordinary Time 25  BCP: Proper 20  LSB: Pentecost 16 Legend
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Measuring Success


In this parable, a landowner recruits workers throughout the day to work in his vineyard, but pays everyone the same daily wage regardless of the number of hours they worked that day, which angers those who labored the longest. How do we measure human value? Can human worth be measured in time or money? The parable warns against allowing one’s self to be reduced to a reward for one’s work and indicates that the kingdom of God has other metrics.

            Many studies have shown the value of preschool education. States have allocated some increased funding to allow more children to have access to quality preschool programs. Children who attend preschool arrive in kindergarten with better social skills, higher emotional intelligence and are better equipped to manage the academic environment.

            However, some studies have also shown that the gains in language arts and mathematics skills wane by the time children complete third grade. In other words, there is not much difference between the math and language arts skills of third graders who attended preschool and third graders who did not attend preschool. Does that make preschool less important than we thought?

            By one measure, yes. If we are only interested in how well students can read, write and apply mathematical skills, then preschool may not have much impact in helping children to reach those milestones by the time they are in third grade. On the other hand, if we are interested in measuring the social, economic and academic success of students on a larger scale, then preschool may be very important. The social and emotional skills gained at a young age can help even into adulthood as one negotiates job interviews or resolves conflicts with spouses or co-workers. These skills can propel success just as ably as writing or math skills, but they cannot be measured in quite the same ways.1


Defining success

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