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Reading: Matthew 14:22–33
RCL: Proper 14  LFM: Ordinary Time 19  BCP: Proper 14  LSB: Pentecost 10 Legend
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In the Midst of the Storm


Jesus is with us in the storms of life. We need to keep our eyes on him and trust him in everything.

            In 1911, the Morton Salt Company started adding magnesium carbonate, an anti-caking agent, to their salt. This allowed the salt to pour freely, even in damp weather. To emphasize their free-pouring salt, they came up with advertising to communicate that idea.

            They decided upon the famous umbrella girl image quickly, and then they worked on a slogan. “Even in rainy weather, it flows freely” said what they wanted, but had too many words. Next, they thought of the old proverb, “It never rains, but it pours.” But that was nixed when they decided it was too negative.

            Then they hit on one that was just right, one that has stood the test of time and been in continuous use by the company ever since: “When it rains, it pours.” Since 1914, both the umbrella girl (which was an artist’s rendition and not based on a particular girl) and the slogan have been integral parts of the company’s message and advertising.1

            Has that slogan ever rung true in your life? Faced with one bad thing, you find that another is close at hand. One bright spot in those challenging times of life is that, even in the midst of the trials, we often sense God’s presence most clearly.


“Rainy days” for the disciples and for Jesus

            Matthew 14 describes a hard couple of days for both the disciples and for Jesus. It starts with some of the details leading up to the beheading of John the Baptist. 

            Jesus was the same age as John and was related to him. Elizabeth, John’s mother, is described by L

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