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Reading: Matthew 13:24–43
RCL: Proper 11  LFM: Ordinary Time 16  BCP: Proper 11  LSB: Pentecost 7 Legend
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Into the Weeds


The parable of the wheat and the weeds is about creating the right environment for everyone to “shine like the sun.”

            There are some problems we face as a world community that are simultaneously very simple and very complex. For example, climate scientists have recommended that plant-based diets are one of the best ways for human communities to slow climate change. The rationale has been that feeding animals, especially cattle, requires enormous amounts of energy in order to produce beef. Beyond that, cows produce a lot of methane, which is one gas that is causing our planet to warm.1

            However, there are other scientists that say plant-based diets are not enough to slow or reverse climate change.2 Some even warn that plant based diets can have dangerous health consequences.3 I recently overheard friends at a dinner party ponder how plant-based diets would impact soil content, if we were forced to grow more crops to feed more people. There is also the cultural problem of all the meat-based meals and products we have come to enjoy. How does one effect cultural change on such a large scale?

            While the advice of scientists to adopt a more plant-based diet seems simple enough, and even soundly logical and well-reasoned, it’s actually very complex advice. The problem of climate change is complex. Human communities are complex. Cultural norms are complex. Food culture is complex. Even our trust of scientists and our relationship to science is complex.

            The fact is, there are very few problems that have crystal-clear solutions. Binaries are often false, and there are shades of grey all around us. When an issue is presented as having clear right or wrong properties, we should slow down and ask questions.


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