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Reading: Matthew 26:14–27:66   (Verses 36–27:66 for BCP)   (Verses 1–27:66 for LSB)
RCL: Liturgy of the Passion  LFM: Lords Passion  BCP: Liturgy of the Word  LSB: Palm-Passion Sunday Legend
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The Right — and the Left — Side of Power


Jesus invites us to use what power and privilege we have to say “no” to dominant and oppressive systems.

            When you write with a pencil, which hand do you use? More than likely, it is your right hand. Only about 10 percent of the human population is left-handed. We are a right-hand-dominant species. Very few other species in the world show such strongly right-dominant traits. Many other species, including cats, dogs and birds, are about 50 percent right- or left-dominant.

            If you are left-handed, you’ve probably noticed your minority status among righties. Scissors, desks, computer mouses, knives and so many other daily implements have been designed with the expectation that the user will be right-hand dominant.

            You have probably heard about how historically left-handed people were said to be marked with a curse, or perhaps that their left-handedness was the product of bad upbringing or poor posture. In fact, in Latin, the word for “left” means “sinister.” When something is “correct” in English, we say it is “right.” In the Bible, left-handedness is scarcely a positive thing. It is associated with deceit or trickery in battle, such as in the story of Ehud and Eglon in Judges.1 Some of you may have been born with a left-hand preference but were “corrected” by your parents or caregivers to become right-handed so as to avoid these superstitions about left-hand-dominant persons.

            Still, even given all the difficulties of being left-handed in a right-dominant world, left-handedness persists. Whether it is through genetic fortitude or the

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