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Reading: Genesis 12:1–4a   (Verses 1–8 for BCP)   (Verses 1–9 for LSB)
RCL: Lent 2  LFM: Lent 2  BCP: Lent 2  LSB: Lent 2 Legend
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A Journey From Curse to Blessing


Just like Abram and Sarai, we’re on a journey away from a curse and toward a blessing. Along the way, God may call us to ministry and mission at any stage of our lives. It may not be clear where we are going, but what is clear is that we should get up and go, whether on a physical journey, a spiritual journey or a bit of both.

            Normally when we travel, whether around the world or down the street, we leave with every expectation of coming home again to friends and family.

            In 2013, a rather dubious organization advertised that it was recruiting individuals for an expedition to Mars. These people had to be medically fit and mentally stable, ready to face a new frontier with unexpected hardships in store. There was only one catch: Everyone who signed up would be taking a one-way trip. The prospective Martian colonists were told they would never see friends and family again.1

            Just so you know, in 2019 the organization went bankrupt.2 Some people believe it was a scam from the start. What’s important to remember is that there were actually people who signed on, ready for that one-way journey.

            That required a lot of faith, don’t you think?


Looking back

            According to Genesis, Abram and Sarai also set out on a journey into the unknown, leaving behind family and friends forever. That surely required a whole lot of faith.

            The story of Abram and Sarai — who would later be renamed Abraham and Sarah — is not just about a one-way trip, however. It’s also a journey from curses to blessings.

            Right before this passage, we read about a man named Terah, whose story comes to a dead end. His son Haran dies, which one imagines was a source of lasting grief. Another son, Abram, and his wife, Sarai, have no children. Terah takes his family and sets out from Ur, their homeland, for Canaan, but they stop before arriving there.

            Then God enters the picture. Despite Haran’s death, Terah’s stalled journey and the barrenness shared by Abram and Sarai, God’s call provides meaning and identity to the lives of this aged couple who answer the call. God gives our lives shape and meaning. God gives Abram and Sarai a mission — if they are willing to go forward in faith, without any assurances — that their lives will matter.

            No question — this is a turning point for them.

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