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Reading: Luke 17:11–19
RCL: Thanksgiving Day  LFM: Thanksgiving Day  BCP: Thanksgiving Day  LSB: Thanksgiving Day Legend
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The Other Side of Gratitude


Thanksgiving is a time for thanks. Be thankful. Thank God for all your blessings! Share what you have with the unfortunate, for the Bible says that the strong ought to bear the burdens of the weak. This does not mean that we are to subsidize the lazy and shiftless, for Paul said that “He that will not work should not eat.” But those who are sincere, willing, and still needy, should benefit by our benevolence.

Here we are, in another “Thanksgiving Season,” and have come to express our gratitude to Almighty God for all his abundant blessings. But let’s be honest. We are a troubled people, and this year we have little reason for complacency.

Here at home we have severe problems. Poverty continues to plague a large segment of our population. Opportunities for education, employment, and ade­quate housing must be improved. We must learn to live in a brotherly way, as a united people. Reconciliation and understanding must be sought more aggressively. Hatred, burning, and destruction are not the answers. Only good will and building will suffice.

And yet, troubled as we are, consider how fortunate we are here in America, compared to some other periods in our history.

Think once again of the sacrifices and hardships of our Pilgrim forefathers. That first severe winter of 1620 and 1621 in Plymouth took a terrible toll in life. More than half the number of Pilgrims had died, and the graves were not even marked, lest the Indians should discover how depleted were the ranks of the colo­nists. When the “Mayflower” returned to England in the spring of 1621, though they had the opportunity, not one of the Pilgrims returned!

Did these brave, godly people bemoan their fate? Did they forget to thank God? Indeed not. The autumn harvest came in, meager as it was, and on December 13, 1621 a “Day of Thanksgiving” was proclaimed, with friendly Indians as guests.

In the darkest days of the War of the American Revolution, the colonists did not neglect to thank God for the hope of their freedom, and their faith and prayers were answered.

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