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Reading: Matthew 5:38–48
LFM: Ordinary Time 7  BCP: Epiphany 7  Legend
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Evil, Doers of Evil, and Vigorous Hyperbole


This segment from the Sermon on the Mount is not a strategy for social action, or practical advice for life in the real world. It is a witness to the inbreaking of the kingdom of God and to a new way of being human.

            Recently we observed the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of the northwestern coast of France, which heralded a bloody beginning-of-the-end to the Nazi attempt at world domination. Literary and cinematic depictions of that “Longest Day” are too numerous to list here. The more vivid of them show in gripping detail the horror of that violent time. Movies like Saving Private Ryan, the HBO series Band of Brothers, and numerous historical and literary works depict a world, a political situation, in which “turn the other cheek,” to put it mildly, is not remotely an option.


History, strategies and a way of being

            “Turn the other cheek” indeed was not an option in that fraught and perilous time. There was a despairing hope for such a strategy in the 1920s and 1930s. Leaders of the free world bent over backward to turn the other cheek, as it were — to go the extra mile to appease the German dictator Adolf Hitler, who had parlayed a 30 percent popular vote margin for chancellor into a wedge with which to worm and weasel his way to absolute power.1

            The Free World leaders’ intentions were honorable — one might even say they were “Christian.” Possibly they saw themselves as following Jesus’ injunctions given in our reading for today. They had witnessed — in some cases at first hand — the horrors of what was then referred to as the Great War and is now known as World War I. That was a worldwide conflagration that Karen Armstrong and others have called “the collective suicide of Europe,”2 a conflict from which it has yet to fully recover.

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