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Reading: Mark 12:38–44
RCL: Proper 27  LFM: Ordinary Time 32  BCP: Proper 27  LSB: Pentecost 25 Legend
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The Woman Who Gave Everything


The second half of our scripture for today has frequently been used in conjunction with a stewardship sermon or a plea for “whole-hearted commitment” — just like the widow mentioned by Jesus. But this sermon looks at the second half of the pericope in light of the first half, where Jesus denounces the scribes. Our feelings for the widow remain strong, but maybe for a different reason.

            On February 17, 1971, Johnny Cash sang “Man in Black” for the first time. I’m reading some of the words from that song for you now, and their significance will hopefully become apparent in a little while... [We recommend you find the song lyrics online and read them to the congregation at this point. 1]


The larger context

            According to Mark, after Jesus entered Jerusalem to the acclaim of the crowd, he went to Bethany, where he spent the night, and then returned to Jerusalem the next day. He went to the temple, where he drove out the sellers and the buyers, overturned the tables of the money changers and would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple. Quoting from Jeremiah 7, Jesus said, “You have made [the temple] a den of robbers.” And Mark tells us, “When the chief priests and the scribes heard it, they kept looking for a way to kill him ....”2

            Throughout the rest of Mark 11 and extending into chapter 12, Jesus had several run-ins and debates with the religious leaders. All of this leads up to today’s scripture. Then, right after our passage, in chapter 13 Jesus goes on to tell about the destruction of the temple and the “desolating sacrilege”3 and the need for watchfulness.


Jesus denounces the scribes

            In Mark 12:38 Jesus does not back down at all in his denunciation of the scribes. “Beware of the scribes ...

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