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Reading: Mark 12:28–34   (Verses 28B–34 for LFM)
RCL: Proper 26  LFM: Ordinary Time 31  BCP: Proper 26  Legend
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Made to Stick


Jesus presents an exceptional idea that has survived the centuries: a perfect commandment about loving both God and neighbor.

            You wouldn’t pay $30 for a can of soup. Or $80 for an undershirt. Yet many people pay close to $300 for a pair of jeans. Whatever happened to the Lee Jeans era? In a flash, our price threshold for jeans has jumped from $30 to $300. And it is not just jeans that have suddenly gone ultra-premium — it’s watches, gym clothes, coffee and even peanut butter.

            Dan Heath and Chip Heath have written a book called Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die.1 They believe that products make the leap from ordinary to premium when their creators think of them as “ideas.” A pair of jeans used to be seen as a product that was workmanlike, durable, casual. But now people look for something else — they look for the idea of “the perfect pair of jeans.”

            The problem is, you have to pay for “the perfect pair of jeans.” Workers now take each of these pairs of jeans and use a piece of sandpaper to scrape away at certain spots on the leg in order to create the color fade that designers desire. They turn regular jeans into works of art. And then they charge $300.


The idea of a perfect commandment

            Dan and Chip Heath are onto something when they say that things make the leap from the ordinary to the premium when they become seen as “ideas.” The idea of the perfect pair of jeans. The idea of an exceptional cup of coffee. Or the idea of a Great Commandment.

            Yes, that’s right: not just a commandment, but a perfect commandment. In the Gospel of Mark, a Jewish scr

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