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Reading: Matthew 5:17–20
RCL: Fathers Day  LFM: Fathers Day  BCP: Fathers Day  LSB: Fathers Day Legend
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Gimme that old-time … fatherhood


Father’s Day is a call for us to renew our commitment to responsible parenthood and the imparting of God’s law in such a way that it becomes integrally woven into the fabric of our spirituality.

The late-President John F. Kennedy had a wonderful way of turning a phrase that made something commonplace stand out. Remember his spirited statement, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country!”

Jesus also turned a phrase to set apart his lesson - “Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them, but to fulfill them.”

That fulfillment turned the religious world upside-down, or should I say, rightside-up? His claim to fulfill the law rather than set it aside helps us on Father’s day understand how Jesus came not to do away with “old time reli­gion” or “old time fatherhood,” but to do away with the way we do “old time religion” and “old time fatherhood.”


Jesus speaks as one with authority

Do you remember earlier this year, in January, we saw Jesus at the begin­ning of his ministry in the Gospel according to St. Mark, 1:21-22, “And they went into Capernaum; and immediately on the Sabbath he entered the syna­gogue and taught. And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.”

The scribes we

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