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Reading: Mark 2:23–35   (Verses 23–28 for BCP)   (Verses 23–28 for LSB)
RCL: Proper 4  BCP: Proper 4  LSB: Pentecost 2 Legend
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The No–Rules Sabbath


Should Sabbath be focused on rules and laws, or should we be able to find Sabbath in whatever brings us full meaning as Christians?

            A group of kids was gathered at a church one evening. Over dinner their leader asked questions to help them get to know each other: What superpower would you like to have? What would your superhero name be? What character in the Bible would you like to be? Then came the final question: What would you do if there were no rules?

            At first the children were dumbfounded. Perhaps they simply couldn’t imagine a world without rules. But they began to come up with ideas. One child wanted to be able to drive. Another wanted to have all the video-game systems in the world. Another one would become president at the age of 7.

            As the kids went around the circle saying what they would do, a young girl said wisely and quietly, “I would make rules.” The rest of the kids laughed and scoffed at her, saying that was not the point. The leader quieted them down and asked the girl to explain her reasoning. She said that she would make rules because she wanted to help people, and she thought that her new rules would do that.

            When she finished speaking, the kids stayed silent and thought for a moment. They took back their laughter and scoffs, and agreed with her. They agreed that perhaps new rules would help our world work differently. Perhaps these new rules, the children

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