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Reading: Exodus 12:1–14
RCL: Maundy Thursday  LFM: Holy Thursday  BCP: Maundy Thursday  Legend
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Everyone Has to Eat


The original Passover meal came about with almost no warning, yet it was extraordinarily significant. An equally significant moment arrived when the Passover celebrated by Jesus and his disciples underwent a radical redefinition as the Last Supper and became the first celebration of communion. Keep your eyes open. God may direct you to change the definition of your next meal — at home, in the restaurant, out and about — into a meal of fellowship and ministry.

            What’s the fastest meal you’ve ever prepared? Why did you have to prepare it so fast? Was there unexpected company? Was the company expected but you forgot? Did you lose power because of a storm and decide to feed everyone the melting ice cream for dinner?

            Or did you suddenly realize that you needed to be on the road now! and you’d all better eat something immediately before setting out on an unexpected journey?



            Today’s scripture passage gives instructions for the Passover meal while describing the first Passover itself. In an odd way, it seems to have a foot in the past, the present and the future. The Lord is speaking to Moses about what is going to happen that very day — about the urgency of slaughtering the lamb, preparing the meal and eating it fast, with staff in hand — but also about how, in the future, this meal is to be eaten every year as a remembrance of God’s goodness in the past. It’s a family event. It’s not done for them. It’s done by them.

            The first Passover was not a calm, reverential, worshipful remembrance. It was a matter of life and death. It must be done now! Death was at the doorstep, literally. The angel of death was about to pass through Egypt, and the firstborn of every house would die.


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