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Reading: Mark 11:1–11   (Verses 1–10 for LFM)   (Verses 1–11a for BCP)
RCL: Liturgy of the Palms  LFM: Procession with Palms  BCP: Liturgy of the Palms  Legend
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The Grand Entrance


Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem took place in a way that was unexpected and set him on the path of securing our redemption. In the same way, we will experience God’s action in unexpected ways, all in keeping with God’s great plan for our lives.

            It’s not easy to travel if you are the President of the United States. The large security detail, all the reporters, staff members and other attendants make it a big deal for the President to go anywhere. Two years ago, then-President Barack Obama did not attend the funeral for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. One of the reasons given was the President’s massive security detail. The spokesperson, Josh Earnest, said that the Vice President would go instead, partly because of his familiarity with the family, but also because the Vice President has less of a security detail.

            A big entourage might seem typical of a head of state. Someone who wields great power and authority would naturally need the protection of a security detail and the assistance of staffers in anticipation of the scrutiny of a curious press and public. That kind of massive convoy must certainly lead to headaches for those around it — stuck in traffic or needing to get through heavy security to get where you need to be.


A different kind of procession

            If you are ever one of the unlucky ones stuck because of a presidential procession or something similar, I’m sure it will give you very little comfort to know that such events have been taking place for centuries. In Roman times, a conquering king or emperor would come into town on a great horse with a caravan, often with the spoils of war following behind.


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