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Reading: Mark 13:24–37   (Verses 33–37 for LFM)
RCL: Advent 1  LFM: Advent 1  BCP: Advent 1  LSB: Advent 1 Legend
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Keep Awake!


In this time between Jesus’ departure and the end, we are to be watchful, for both danger and the opportunity to do good, and to serve God and neighbor in our daily work.

            We’ve just heard the concluding verses of the passion story. No, it’s not the passion of Christ, the account of his suffering and death that’s often read from one of the gospels toward the end of Lent, shortly before Easter. Now, as we begin the season of Advent and start looking toward Christmas, we have the passion of the world, and the passion of God’s people in the world.

            Making that connection might seem at first like a bit of a stretch. But let’s look carefully at our text and the way it’s placed in Mark’s gospel.

            The story is set at the point when Jesus leaves the temple where he has been debating with and criticizing the religious authorities, just a few days before his passion. When the disciples comment on the grandeur of the temple, Jesus tells them that it’s going to be destroyed. They ask when that will happen, and instead of giving a direct answer, Jesus tells about a coming time of troubles for the world. There will be wars, natural disasters, persecution and false prophets. And as the world seems to be coming apart, people will see “‘the Son of Man coming in clouds’ with great power and glory” to gather his elect.1


What Jesus wants us to know

            Our text is the end of this discourse about the future in chapter 13 of Mark. Here Jesus tells us what he wants us to be doing during this time. In these concluding words, he emphasizes what is really important for us to know.

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