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Reading: Matthew 23:1–12
RCL: Proper 26  LFM: Ordinary Time 31  BCP: Proper 26  Legend
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Keeping Your Suitcase Light


Hypocrisy and pride can weigh us down. But if we unpack them from our “suitcase,” we will be able to serve others with a humility that produces true greatness.

            Paul Erdos was a gifted and productive mathematician who died about 20 years ago, at age 83. He was a sweet genius who had two great loves, people and numbers, and he continued doing math until his last day on earth. Fortunately, you don’t have to be an expert in calculus to appreciate Erdos. You don’t even have to be good at adding and subtracting. His qualities can be embraced by anyone who wants to be a better servant.

            Erdos had “no home, no family, no possessions, no address,” wrote Charles Krauthammer in The Washington Post. That makes him sound a little like Jesus, doesn’t it? But Erdos was not a religious leader. He traveled from one math conference to another, from university to university, and would knock on the doors of mathematicians around the world. When they answered the door, he would say, “My brain is open,” and then he would move in.1

            Erdos always traveled light. He had two suitcases, each half-full. One had a few clothes, while the other contained mathematical papers. He owned very little and rarely carried more than about $30. His math colleagues were always happy to take him in because they enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with him. His friends took care of his checkbook, his taxes, his food and the other matters of everyday life so that he could focus on math. Numbers were his passion, his joy and his true calling. This focus helped him keep his suitcase light.


Teachers who serve

            Although he taught at a number of American universities, Erdos preferred not to stay in any one place for very long. He was the opposite of the scribes and the Pharisees criticized by Jesus, teachers who “love to have the place of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues, and to b

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