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Reading: John 14:1–14   (Verses 1–12 for LFM)
RCL: Easter 5  LFM: Easter 5  BCP: Easter 5  LSB: Easter 5 Legend
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Flip Your House!


Jesus promises that there are many dwelling places “in [the] Father’s house.” Sometimes we think of God’s house as a tiny one, with room for only a chosen few. God desires to expand our understanding and answer the call to spread the good news so that everyone can find their place in the kingdom of God. Along the way, we grow as disciples, and our own “house” expands too.

            There is a trend that is sweeping the nation. Or at least HGTV wants you to believe it is sweeping the nation. This is the so-called tiny house movement. People are abandoning traditional housing — the three-bedroom, two-bathroom mansions that many of us live in — and moving to tiny homes. These can be as small as 400 square feet. And they’re portable, so if you want to live in Florida for a while, you can, and if you decide you want to live in Maine instead, you can just hitch up your house and head north!

            The most fascinating part of the shows on HGTV that feature homebuyers shopping tiny is watching how they try to maximize that little amount of space. There are beds that fold up into the wall, bookshelves that are built into the steps and televisions that slide into the floor, allowing the tabletop to fold down so you can eat dinner.

            There are some clever people working on these tiny houses, and they are making a fortune.


Room to spare

            Today’s reading from John’s gospel portrays something that is the opposite of a tiny house. In the New Revised Standard Version, verse 2 says, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.” The Common English Bible words it, “My Father’s house has room to spare,” which is even clearer. There’s nothing tiny about God’s house! There is room for everyone!


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