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Reading: Luke 24:13–35
RCL: Easter 3  LFM: Easter 3  BCP: Easter 3  LSB: Easter 3 Legend
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Invisible in Plain Sight


Two disciples don’t recognize Jesus on the road to Emmaus. Why? One reason might simply be that they saw him out of context. Why don’t we recognize Jesus all around us, in the ordinary people we serve and who serve us? Perhaps our eyes can be opened, as were those of the two disciples — we can see Jesus more clearly in the breaking of the bread.

            Kevin Bacon’s face is everywhere. The prolific character actor has appeared in numerous movies, television shows and commercials — so many in fact that he is the subject of the popular game known as “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.”

            It’s based on the theory that anyone on earth can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries. Theoretically you know someone who knows someone else who knows this other person who knows someone who knows someone else, by which time you should have established a connection with just about anyone anywhere in the world.

            In the case of the Kevin Bacon game, one player names an actor and the other one attempts to make a connection in six moves, through actors who have acted with that one actor, with Kevin Bacon.

            Though Kevin Bacon is almost instantly recognizable, there was this time he worked with a makeup artist who created a prosthetic that made very subtle changes to Bacon’s face. Suddenly he was able to walk around Los Angeles without being recognized.

            He didn’t like it.

            “It was almost disturbing,” he said. “People kind of looked right through me and weren’t nice to me.” The actor said that because of his fame, he was used to being treated well, and suddenly he was no longer getting those strokes.1


Out of “uniform”

            Most of us aren’t as famous as Kevin Bacon, but we may have had a similar experience. Perhaps we clerk in a grocery store, are a nurse in a doctor’s

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