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Reading: Matthew 28:1–10
RCL: Easter Day  LFM: Easter Sunday  BCP: Easter Day - Principal Service  LSB: Easter Day Legend
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From Fear to Great Joy


Easter morning can be confusing, frightening and disorienting. But it is not a horror show. Instead, it gives us power for life and leads us to a new place.

            Fear is very popular right now. In theaters, horror movies are drawing increasing numbers of viewers. Over the course of just five years, a company called Blumhouse Productions released eight hit horror films, including Paranormal Activity, Sinister and The Purge. Together, these films made $1.1 billion at the box office. Superstar actor Brad Pitt starred in the zombie movie World War Z in 2013, which grossed over $540 million. A sequel is due to come out this June.

            Television has also been a scary place in recent years. Turn on the TV and you can see witches on American Horror Story: Coven, vampires on The Vampire Diaries and zombies on The Walking Dead. And these are not just fringe shows — The Walking Dead has been ranked the top-rated show on basic cable. Zombies are popular, says James Wolcott in Vanity Fair, because they illustrate so many of our current concerns: “famine, holocaust, plague, toxic waste, genetic mutation, unburied furies, borderless chaos, racial warfare, urban riots, suburban home invasions, [and] soul-less consumerism.” Still, Wolcott finds zombies to be poor company because they lack basic conversational skills and have “deplorable hygiene and manners.”1


Easter begins with fear

            The surprising thing about the story of the resurrection in the Gospel of Matthew is that it is so filled with fear. As the first day of the week is dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary go to see the tomb. They immediately experience an earthquake, which can be a terrifying experience in itself. Then an angel of the Lord descends from heaven and rolls back the stone of the tomb — Matthew tells us that “for fear of him the guards shook and became like dead men.” The guards are witnessing some true “Paranormal Activity,” and are scared to death.


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