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Reading: John 18:1–19:42
RCL: Good Friday  LFM: Good Friday  BCP: Good Friday  LSB: Good Friday Legend
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Wrestling With Questions About the Cross


The church has long included the reality of Jesus’ arrest, death, burial and resurrection in the various affirmations of faith (the Apostles’ Creed, etc.). It is important for people of faith to slow down and consider (or reconsider) the magnitude of all that happened as Jesus approached and endured the cross. The questions that were asked in the midst of this world-changing event are important for believers to wrestle with and answer before God.

            Anyone who has been around children for any length of time knows the awkward pause that comes when a child asks a question the adult cannot, or does not want to, answer. “Daddy, where do babies come from?” “Mommy, why isn’t Daddy here?” “Grandma, why aren’t Mommy and Daddy living with us anymore?” “Daddy, why are you crying?” “Mommy, why did those soldiers come to our house?” “Daddy, why aren’t you going to work anymore?”

            The truth is, life is filled with tough questions. Sometimes it’s our children asking. Sometimes it’s questions we ask ourselves. Sometimes the questions start with “Why ...?” or “Why don’t we ...?” or “What if ...?” Sometimes it’s other people asking, “Why did you ...?” or “Why didn’t you ...?”

            Live a while — in any situation or circumstance — and you will come up with your own set of questions about life.

            Today we’re going to look at, and deal with, some of the questions that were asked during the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. We’re not doing this to get a better historical perspective, although we may understand some of that better. We’re looking at these questions because many of them demand answers from us as we seek to follow a Savior who was willing to die on the cross for us and for all humanity.


“You are not also one of this man’s disciples, are you?” (John 18:17)

            “Are you with Jesus ... or not?” That’s an important question! Not “Do you know about Jesus?” Not “Do you go to his church?” Not “Do you believe he’s the Savior?” You could answer “Yes” to all of those questions and still not be a disciple.


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