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Reading: John 4:5–42
RCL: Lent 3  LFM: Lent 3  BCP: Lent 3  LSB: Lent 3 Legend
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Worship That Heals


The conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman breaks down barriers, interprets true worship and inspires us to ministry.

            We take water for granted, but we couldn’t survive without it. We drink it, bathe in it, swim in it. We nurture our plants with it and even put it in our cars. Most of us, for now, have no trouble obtaining it. Not so for the Samaritan woman. She had to trudge all the way to a well to fetch it. She did not go to the well to gain insight about herself and about worship. She did not intend to become part of sharing God’s message. She went to slake her thirst. She thought she would simply draw the water, fill her jar and then trudge back home.

            The conversation started innocently enough. Jesus asked her for a drink. We would think nothing of such a request, but in that day, Jesus’ seemingly simple request broke all kinds of barriers.

            Important relationships often started at wells. Abraham’s servant found Rebekah at a well, and brought her home for Isaac.1 Jacob met Rachel at a well.2 But when Jesus, a Jewish man, asked a Samaritan woman for a drink of water, he reached through layers of taboo to make a connection.

            Underneath the gender and religious issues, the two people at the well shared some things. They shared thirst, weariness and a common humanity. They both looked to the books of Moses for insight into God. Although her people considered his people outsiders and vice versa, they had some common ground. Despite all the reasons not to ask for some water, Jesus started a conversation. Even with her objections, Jesus opened the door.

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