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Reading: Matthew 6:24–34
LFM: Ordinary Time 8  Legend
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Living With a Single Focus


Jesus recognizes that many listening to him are living lives of worry and despair, and points out that they are looking at things the wrong way. He offers a corrective when he tells them, “Seek first the kingdom [of God] and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides.”

            You can find just about anything on YouTube. Want to know how to fix a dripping faucet? Find it on YouTube. Want to hear a great orchestra play a little-known symphony? Find it on YouTube. Want to know how to plan a wedding? Find it on YouTube. Want to know how to ride a motorcycle? Find it on YouTube.

            A man over 60 years of age who recently rode a motorcycle for the first time in his life spent many hours on YouTube looking up safe riding practices and techniques. One of the things he discovered on YouTube and from fellow riders is a dangerous phenomenon called “target fixation.” Target fixation refers to focusing your eyes on a particular place or thing — say, a guardrail or the middle of a curve or the back of a car — and then running right into it. There are hundreds of YouTube videos in which a motorcycle rider has a camera attached to his helmet and you can see this process as it’s happening. You find yourself yelling at the driver, “Look out!” But it’s too late.1

            The key to avoiding this is to look beyond and actually turn your head to see where you want to go. So, instead of looking to the middle of a curve, for example, you look through to the end of the curve and the road ahead.

            Jesus, long before motorcycles, knew about “target fixation.” In our text today Jesus cautions against this phenomenon when he says, “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat [or drink], or about your body, what you will wear ....”

            This passage tells us, at least in part, how to live without crashing.


Target fixation — lookin

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