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Reading: Matthew 5:1–12
RCL: Epiphany 4  LFM: Ordinary Time 4  BCP: Epiphany 4  LSB: Epiphany 4 Legend
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Reading Between the Blessings


The Beatitudes represent Jesus’ work of grace before the demands of discipleship in the rest of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus’ blessings sound strange to us because they bless the very people we think of as down and out. Jesus’ blessings offer a future joy, but also a present encouragement.

            We may all struggle with the Sermon on the Mount as a whole. What do we do with its call to control our deepest thoughts, emotions and urges? We may understand that this call invites us to allow God to change us from the inside out, starting at the very core of our being.

            Nevertheless, Jesus’ insistence on turning the other cheek takes all of our effort. Jesus’ call to love our enemies goes against our every impulse.

            Thank goodness, though, for the Beatitudes at the start of the sermon. Jesus gives the word of grace and blessing on the front end. The waves of blessing after blessing just flow over us as Jesus pronounces them. Yet, even about these blessings, we might express some doubt. We can almost hear, in between each verse, a person standing up to ask Jesus about that particular blessing. What might some people, especially in today’s world, have to say to Jesus about these blessings? Some people might even want to offer a protest about these blessings. Maybe we can imagine how some of these protests might sound.


Questioning the Beatitudes

            “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” But, Jesus, how can you say the poor in spirit should feel blessed? The poor in spirit have experienced the pain of life seeping into their hearts, their minds, their spirits. Life has worn them down. You can see in their eyes that

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