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Reading: Philippians 3:4b–14   (Verses 8–14 for LFM)   (Verses 8–14 for BCP)
RCL: Lent 5  LFM: Lent 5  BCP: Lent 5  LSB: Lent 5 Legend
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Taking Out the Rubbish


Paul encourages us to eliminate anything that does not bring us closer to the life–giving presence of Christ.

            What would you do if you received the news that you had just a short time left to live — maybe only a few months or even few days?

            How would you react?

            What would you say?

            Whom would you see?

            How would you spend your time?

            And maybe just as important — what wouldn’t you do? If you received the news that you were about to die, don’t you imagine that there are things that you simply could not be bothered with any longer? What would you let fall away because it just wasn’t important anymore?

            Most likely, with news like that, your priorities would change. Details that nag at us on a daily basis — like that closet that you have always meant to clean out, or getting the oil changed in your car, or doing that extra exercise program — would suddenly lose significance.

            If you ever have a chance to talk with hospice volunteers, ask them about how people re-evaluate their priorities at the end of life. As you know, hospice workers minister to those who are in the end stages of their lives to ensure that they can maintain an engaged and meaningful life for as long as possible, as well as being as comfortable as possible given their physical condition.

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