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Reading: Mark 10:35–45
LSB: Lent 5 Legend
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Pick Me!!


When James and John requested seats of honor in the kingdom of God, they had no idea that true greatness in that kingdom belonged to those who carried a cross and those who served others. That’s a lesson we are still learning today.

            Reggie was a man with an inflated opinion of himself. His friend, Charlie, decided that as a friend he should help Reggie learn a little humility.

            One day Charlie mentioned to Reggie that he knew George Clooney. “Oh, yeah,” Reggie said, “prove it.” In a few minutes they were in front of a large house with beautiful grounds. After ringing the bell, out came George Clooney saying, “Come on in, Charlie, and bring your friend.” On the way home Reggie grudgingly said, “Okay, so you know George Clooney.”

            Obviously this was not enough, so Charlie said offhandedly, “Yes, he was quite happy when I introduced him to the president. The three of us have gotten together a couple of times down on the ranch.” Reggie looked in the air at nothing and cried out, “That’s too much. I’ll pay the costs. Let’s go to Washington and see how well you know the president.” At the White House, they just arrived and out came the president to greet them, saying, “Come on in, Charlie, and bring your friend.” Later, Reggie looked around the office sheepishly and admitted, “Well, yeah, you do know the president.”

            Charlie sensed that his friend needed further deflation. So casually he remarked, “Yeah, but you know the pope has a nicer office.”

            “What!” yelled Reggie with disbelief, “You know the pope! I’ll bet you 10 thousand dollars you can’t even get in to see the pope.” In a few days they went to Rome,

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