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Reading: Matthew 23:1–12
RCL: Proper 26  BCP: Proper 26  LSB: Pentecost 21 Legend
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The Way of the Servant


True greatness comes with servanthood.

            “What is greatness?”

            A young man once set out to find the answer to that very question. It was during the early years of our nation’s history. He was ready to start out on his life’s work, and so he went to an old family friend — a canal-boat captain — to ask his advice on what he should do with his life.

            The captain responded with a question: “What do you know how to do?”

            “I know how to make soap and candles,” the young man replied.

            “Then do it, and do it well; but do one other thing. Take the Lord into partnership with you. Give him at least one-tenth of what you make, and realize that it is God who is in charge of the partnership, not you.”

            The young man, William Colgate, took this advice to heart. He started a soap-and-candle business in New York City. His little storefront eventually grew into the Colgate-Palmolive Corporation. He became a philanthropist, one of the founders of the American Bible Society. Colgate University was named for him.

            William Colgate achieved greatness by the world’s standards, but only because he knew a different kind of greatness: that which comes from serving God and others.

            The preacher Philips Brooks once said that the way to true humility “is not to stoop until you are smaller than yourself, but to stand at your real height against some higher nature that will show you what the real smallness of your greatness is.”1



            In today’s scripture passage, Jesus has a lot to say about a group of people who imagine they are very great, at least in the spiritual sense. He’s talking, of course, abou

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