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Reading: Acts 4:5–12
RCL: Easter 4  LFM: Easter 4  BCP: Easter 4  LSB: Easter 4 Legend
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The Cornerstone


Our faith is more than an abstract idea. It is founded on our experience of a real person, Jesus Christ.

            “Our government makes no sense unless it is founded on a deeply held religious belief — and I don’t care what it is.”

            That quotation is attributed to President Dwight D. Eisenhower. To many people, that remark of Eisenhower’s is the classic statement of American civil religion. It expresses a vague, free-floating respect for religion in general, without making a particular profession of faith. General Eisenhower was a Presbyterian himself, so we shouldn’t understand this statement as reflecting his personal convictions. During his long years in the Army working with chaplains who had their individual convictions but who provided for the needs of soldiers of all religions, Eisenhower surely developed a respect for religious faith as a general, nondenominational category.

            Lots of people today would go along with that. They would say religion is a private matter. It’s personal, they’ll tell you. It’s nobody’s business but your own.

            Are they right in saying this?

            Peter wouldn’t say so. In his speech recorded in today’s reading from Acts, he makes it clear that Christianity has a very particular cornerstone, the very foundation of our faith. The cornerstone, of course, is Jesus Christ. To Peter — a person of “deeply held religious belief” — it certainly does seem to matter what that belief is.


Firm-foundation faith

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