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Reading: John 6:56–69   (Verses 60–69 for LFM)
RCL: Proper 16  LFM: Ordinary Time 21  BCP: Proper 16  LSB: Pentecost 13 Legend
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Tell Me You Didn’t Say That!


The words of Jesus may shock us on occasion, but when some disciples turned away from Jesus because his words were too difficult, Simon Peter declared that no other has the words of life, or is the Messiah, the Holy One of God. He was right.

            It’s been 52 years and a few weeks since the famous Kennedy-Nixon debates that highlighted the 1960 presidential election. Since there’s enough partisan rhetoric going on all around us, this fact is not mentioned to arouse ancient political passions — although it is worth mentioning for anyone who gets carried away by the events of our day that historians are still sorting out the lives of Kennedy and Nixon, both of whom ultimately served as president.

            The event took place when television was a new medium. People were still learning the rules and coming to understand how it would change politics — as well as everything else! The first debate took place on September 26, 1960. Others followed on October 7, 13 and 21. All were important, but the first had the greatest impact.

            Kennedy, who had been campaigning in California, looked tanned and fit by all accounts. Nixon had lost 20 pounds while spending two weeks in a hospital after injuring his knee. He arrived wearing an ill-fitting shirt, with a 5 o’clock shadow, and refused makeup to improve his color.

            The result was that the majority of those who listened to the debate on the radio thought Nixon won, but the majority of the 70 million Americans who watched the debate on television thought Kennedy, who appeared youthful and energetic, won. A few weeks later, he won one of the closest elections ever.

            We’ll leave it to the historians to argue about the legacy of both men, but certainly in the six decades since, we’ve seen how important it is for politicians to have advisers make sure they put their best foot forward. Certainly, we can all remember the result when politicians of every party said or did something carelessly!

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