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Reading: John 14:15–21
RCL: Easter 6  LFM: Easter 6  BCP: Easter 6  LSB: Easter 6 Legend
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Never Alone


Jesus knew his disciples would not react very well to the news of his departure, so he assured them that he would not leave them twisting in the wind when he left. Instead, he would ask his heavenly Father to leave the Holy Spirit with them, an ever-present Counselor to teach and to guide them as they did the work of advancing the kingdom of God. The Spirit is with us, too.

            A pastor who had been leading his church for over 30 years stepped up to the pulpit a little more tentatively than usual.

            “Generally these types of announcements are reserved until after the sermon, but because this is the last time I will be preaching to you, I thought to begin the message with what’s happening in my life right now.

            “Bottom line, God has clearly called me to a radically different ministry, and in his sovereignty, he has chosen not to give me a lot of preparation time. There is a small, underground Bible college in Burkina Faso that needs my administrative and teaching skills. The persecution in that land has driven the teachers into hiding, and they need a new leader to draw them back out and to encourage them. I’ll be leaving tonight. The church is covering my salary and expenses, so I will not be needing to raise financial support. However, I covet your prayers.

            “I informed the church leadership of my decision last night, and after many tears and a few objections, we all came to the conclusion — we believe with the Holy Spirit’s blessing — that this was God’s will for me. It is not the place I imagined spending my golden years, but I am happy now to know what God has chosen for me.

            “The church leaders have assured me that you will not be long without a shepherd. In fact, Marty, our beloved associate pastor, will take over the reins of leadership as the church determines who will lead you next. May God bless all of us as we determine his will for our lives.”

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