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Reading: Luke 19:28–40
RCL: Liturgy of the Palms  LFM: Procession with Palms  BCP: Liturgy of the Palms  LSB: Palm-Passion Sunday Legend
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If These Stones Could Talk


The ability to give voice to our spiritual experiences, both in corporate and private worship, is an integral part of the Christian faith.

            “If only these walls could talk.”

            How many times have you said or heard that?

            We express this idea about old home places where there are significant family memories. “We had so much fun in this old place — if only these walls could talk they would tell some great stories.”

            We also hear the idea expressed about historically significant locations. Imagine how many times someone has walked through the White House and remarked, “If only these walls could talk.”

            But there is another way to hear the expression, one which provides us an entry point into our biblical text. “If only these walls were allowed to talk.” The connotation here is very different. In the original meaning of the saying there is a clear understanding that the walls cannot talk because it is an impossibility for walls to talk. But with this new meaning, the walls might talk if they were allowed to. For some reason, they are silent when they could be speaking. These walls could be telling us important memories, but for some reason they can’t ... or won’t.


The not-so Triumphant Entry

            As Jesus makes his way into

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