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Reading: John 6:51–58
RCL: Proper 15  LFM: Ordinary Time 20  BCP: Proper 15  LSB: Pentecost 11 Legend
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Grandma’s Bread


There is something of Jesus himself present in Communion.

            Susan had never really understood about the Lord’s Supper. The church in which she had grown up and was confirmed had talked a lot about Jesus’ “real presence.” “This is my body. This is my blood of the new covenant.” The true body and blood of Christ were “in, with and under” the bread and wine, she had been taught. What did that mean? She kind of wanted it to be true, but how could it be? Susan learned the right answers to the questions the pastor asked but she still didn’t understand it.

            She attended another church when she went away to college, and there they said that the bread and wine were visible signs of an inner spiritual grace — which was the body and blood of Christ. People talked and acted as if Communion was very important. They looked very serious when they went forward to receive the bread and wine. But the trouble was that it was bread and wine — looked like it and tasted like it.

            The clergy and all the other church members — at least the adult ones — they must understand, she thought. Susan hated to feel dumb or disrespectful but she just didn’t get it. “Do this for the remembrance of me” — that made sense. But “This is my body” just didn’t make sense, no matter how hard she tried. Once, a pastor at another church had said that the bread and wine were symbols, but not ...approximately 973 words remaining. You are not logged in. Please see options at the top of this page to view complete sermon.

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