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Reading: John 19:1–37
RCL: Good Friday  LFM: Good Friday  BCP: Good Friday  LSB: Good Friday Legend
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Eyewitness to the Crucifixion


The apostle John was an eyewitness of the crucifixion. He describes in vivid detail his memories of that day of horror. But John, in the light of the Resurrection, saw not only the wretchedness of the Crucifixion but also how God turned it all around so that the Crucifixion became an avenue of salvation. That is how the darkest day in all of human history became the day we call Good Friday.

            A pastor of a mainline denomination flying home found himself seated next to a man who wanted to talk religion. The man was a member of a group of believers who seem certain that they had the latest revelation from God. In fact, they claimed they have been given a book that explains in detail what everyone is meant to believe and to practice.

            Well, the pastor knew a little something about the teachings of the group. For example, he knew that this group did not believe in displaying crosses anywhere. They do not put crosses on their churches. Nor do they have crosses anywhere in their churches. They do not have crosses in their seminaries or other educational buildings. They do not wear crosses on their lapels or on a chain around their necks. The cross is simply forbidden anywhere and everywhere.

            Knowing that was the case, the pastor asked his seatmate what was wrong with crosses?

            “The cross is a graven image,” the man answered. “The second commandment forbids it.” When the pastor tried to explain that the cross was a precious symbol that speaks of how much God loves the inhabitants of the earth, the man could not agree to the importance of it. For him and his group, the cross was not a plus but a minus.


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