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Reading: John 9:1–41
RCL: Lent 4  LFM: Lent 4  BCP: Lent 4  LSB: Lent 4 Legend
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Don’t Confuse Me With the Facts


We read the story of the blind man’s healing with our minds already made up. We believe that Jesus healed a man by the power of God. The Pharisees already had their minds made up that Jesus was evil. People today still blindly form opinions and don’t want to be confused with facts about God. Since we can’t convince them with facts, we have to love them with acts.

For years, Emily had begged Tom to take her hunting. But he kept putting it off. He took his hunting seriously and enjoyed his time alone in the woods. But finally he gave in to his wife’s pleading.
     He took her to one of his favorite spots where deer were usually plentiful and instructed her on the rules of hunting. He set her up where she could get a good clear shot at any deer that came along. Then he trudged on, but before he could get into position he heard two shots.
     “Oh no!” he thought. “If she gets a deer before me, I’ll never live this down.” Then he heard his wife screaming, “Now, step back. That’s my deer!” As he raced through the woods he could see Emily aiming her rifle at a man whose hands were raised above his head. She yelled again, “I said, step away! That’s my deer!” As Tom arrived at the scene the man yelled, “Okay, Lady. You can have your deer. Just give me a minute and let me get my saddle off of it.” For this man at gunpoint, it was not a time to try to explain the truth. Emily seemed to have her mind made up.
     Have you ever been frustrated by someone who just doesn’t seem to see the truth, but doesn’t want to hear the facts either? Have you ever witnessed mob violence because a group of people gets caught up in a “witch-hunting” mentality and they simply don’t want to hear the truth? The story from John 9 is about healing a man who had been blind since birth, but centers around an inquisition conducted by religious leaders who seem to have no real desire

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