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Reading: John 10:1–10
RCL: Easter 4  LFM: Easter 4  BCP: Easter 4  LSB: Easter 4 Legend
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Can You Hear What He’s Saying?


Jesus gave us an analogy to help us understand how to discern the voice of God. As sheep recognized the voice of the shepherd, so we too can recognize the Lord’s voice when we hear it. Many other voices are also clamoring for our attention - the sources of which only intend to steal, rob and destroy. So we must keep our spirits in tune with the Lord’s voice, so that we might not be wooed away from the path God intends for us.

     Jesus gave us an analogy to help us understand how to discern the voice of God. As sheep recognized the voice of the shepherd, so we too can recognize the Lord’s voice when we hear it. Many other voices are also clamoring for our attention - the sources of which only intend to steal, rob and destroy. So we must keep our spirits in tune with the Lord’s voice, so that we might not be wooed away from the path God intends for us.

Can You Hear What He’s Saying?

     Sometimes it’s fun to watch the mothers who are hanging out in the fast-food playland areas with their children. Quite often, you can tell how many kids they are watching at the time by the size of the stack of napkins at their table.
     Some of these moms are alone at their tables, nibbling on fries, writing in a journal, reading a book or tapping something into their organizers. Many of them look relaxed, probably because they’re finally getting a break while the kids play in a “contained area” - unless, of course, one of their offspring thinks it would be fun to escape through an emergency exit and set off an alarm.
     Some of the moms are there chatting with friends, occasionally looking up to see one of their kids waving from the inside of a plexiglass bubble, trying to get their attention. Again, whether these moms are alone or with a friend, most of them seem to be at ease and enjoying themselves.
     But, then, suddenly, some kid starts crying, and all the moms stop what they’re doing to pay attention. When this happens, each one of these moms asks herself two questions: First, Is that my kid crying?

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