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Reading: Isaiah 52:13–15
RCL: Good Friday  LFM: Good Friday  BCP: Good Friday  LSB: Good Friday Legend
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A Well-Designed System


God is a master engineer whose plan demands a great cost. The well-designed system of salvation that was implemented on Good Friday is one that is not easy to comprehend. Still, it is a system that gives us abundant life for today and for all eternity.

            A pastor was talking recently about the new addition to his downtown church. “This is a well-designed system,” he said. He then continued to point out how every construction detail was intended to enable the system to operate at its fullest capacity, enabling staff to work more efficiently, children to enjoy being at church and visitors to feel welcome. He noted how first-time visitors would instantly be acclimated into the system as they were shepherded through the front door, guided into the sanctuary for the service, and then presented with a cup of hot hazelnut-flavored coffee and warm fellowship immediately following the benediction. His church is a well-designed system.

            If you live in a major metropolitan area then you know that the better-designed roadways are those laid out to anticipate who will be traveling where and at what time. In a city like Washington, D.C., for example, two-lane roads transition to three-lane roads during the hours of 4-6:30 each afternoon. Some streets that are normally traveled both north and south become one-way streets, propelling commuters out of the city and into the suburbs as quickly as possible. This traffic pattern is a well-designed system.

            Perhaps you have a child in Girl Scouts. Each year your child receives full colored brochures with mouthwatering descriptions of a dozen different kinds of cookies. The decadent pictures com

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