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Reading: John 10:11–18
RCL: Easter 4  LFM: Easter 4  BCP: Easter 4  LSB: Easter 4 Legend
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A Trustworthy Shepherd


Christ called himself the Good Shepherd. As his followers, we can count on his concern for each of us just as a dependable shepherd is for his sheep. He seeks us out, he knows us personally and calls us by name. He will never leave us or forsake us. He will walk with us “through the valley of the shadow of death.” And never leave us alone in trouble and sorrow.

The comic strip called The Wizard of Id once portrayed the little king addressing the people from his balcony. “As I greet you today,” he began, “I want you to think of me as your shepherd watching over you as a shepherd guards his flock.” At that utterance, one citizen turned to another and said, “Better bundle up, Merle ... we’re about to be fleeced.”

            Unfortunately, there have been those leaders -- some still leading today -- who do indeed “fleece” their followers. They take and take, increasing their personal wealth and power with little regard for the welfare of their citizens. Some are demonic autocrats who rule by fear, force and fatalities. The pages of history record their heartlessness. They are shepherds from hell -- if we can call them shepherds at all -- and every age has had far too many such evil persons.


The Good Shepherd

            But history, most importantly the Bible, records the life of one person who was a loving, humble leader who was a good shepherd and who proved it. The proof was in his unique leadership seen not only in the amazingly loving life he lived, but also by the sacrificial death he died, and his unique resurrection afterward. He is Jesus Christ who said to his followers, “I am the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep.” He also said, “I know my own and my own know me just as the father knows me and I know the Father.” He is the loving leader who came to seek and to save those who are lost.

            The 10th chapter of John has Jesus saying that the good shepherd calls his sheep “by name,” which is to say that he wishes to have a personal relationship with those who follow him. His followers can count on that. Christ knows those who claim his name. As Christians, you may be certain that Christ knows you, cares for you, and is your unseen companion who knows you

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