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The Bulletin Toolkit provides a wealth of resources to enhance your bulletin, newsletter, emails, website or letters. Each month, you receive Reflections, Quotes, Stewardship thoughts, Prayers, Humor, Gospel Shorts (helpful summaries about the Gospel readings during the month) and even Cartoons! All easy–to–use right here.

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October 2024 November 2024 >


All Hallows Copy to Clipboard

Halloween is the night of October 31. The word means " Please log in to view complete article.


Health Care Copy to Clipboard

The old monsignor went to the doctor to complain about Please log in to view complete article.


Hymns of the Heart Copy to Clipboard

There is a story about a young, medieval monk and his Please log in to view complete article.


Bits–of–Wisdom Copy to Clipboard

Too much love of science and too little science of lov Please log in to view complete article.


God, hear me… Copy to Clipboard

I ain't what I want to be,

Please log in to view complete article.


The Power of Belief Copy to Clipboard

Faith is not simply an intellectual assent to Christia Please log in to view complete article.


 World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday – Purpose Copy to Clipboard

Christ puts into the arms of his church the suffering Please log in to view complete article.


World Mission Sunday – Meditation Copy to Clipboard

Lord, our faith in you sustains us. You comfort us in Please log in to view complete article.



Grant Us Your Spirit Copy to Clipboard

Lord our God and our Father, we thank you for giving u Please log in to view complete article.


Let Us Become What We Ought To Copy to Clipboard

Lord our God, we thank you for revealing your rulershi Please log in to view complete article.


Strengthen Our Hearts Every Day Copy to Clipboard

Dear Father in heaven, we are gathered in your presenc Please log in to view complete article.


United Us Copy to Clipboard

Lord God, unite us with Jesus Christ, the risen and li Please log in to view complete article.



Giving While Living Copy to Clipboard

A rich man once said to a friend, "Why is it everybody Please log in to view complete article.


Using a Money Clip to Carry Money Copy to Clipboard

If you're a man, a money clip is a convenient way to c Please log in to view complete article.


 Gospel Shorts Use to help explain the Gospel (or other) reading for the week.

  Oct-6-2024 Proper 22 (RLC)
Ordinary Time 27 (LFM)
Mark 10: 2-16  
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Not Every Marriage is Made in Heaven

We'd like to think every marriage is "Made in Heaven," Please log in to view complete article.


  Oct-13-2024 Proper 23 (RLC)
Ordinary Time 28 (LFM)
Mark 10: 17-31 (RCL)
Mark 10: 17-30 (LFM)
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When Everything Isn’t Enough

The rich young ruler had everything. Youth, wealth, po Please log in to view complete article.


  Oct-20-2024 Proper 24 (RLC)
Ordinary Time 29 (LFM)
Mark 10: 35-45  
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Dying for Greatness

In the first part of the Gospel passage, James and Joh Please log in to view complete article.


  Oct-27-2024 Proper 25 (RLC)
Ordinary Time 30 (LFM)
Mark 10: 46-52  
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And Jesus Stopped…

Do you ever feel like your prayers are unimportant in Please log in to view complete article.



Where Does God Live? Copy to Clipboard

A Sunday School teacher asked her preschool class if t Please log in to view complete article.


Chuckles Copy to Clipboard

Little nine-year-old Joey came home one day and asked Please log in to view complete article.



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