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Sermons on Proper 13

You searched for sermons preached on: Proper 13, Cycle A
Feeding Others When We’re Sick to Our Stomach  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 14: 13–21
Summary: Even though we wish we could escape our own pain and the suffering of the world, Jesus’ actions in the feeding of the multitude call us to engage in healing and giving ministry. We need time apart to heal, but we cannot run away from the suffering of others. We offer comfort, grace and love. We meet the world’s needs as a witness to the time when God will overcome all of the needs of creation.
A Proper 13 Ordinary Time 18 Proper 13 Pentecost 7 Palette
Lunch Baskets and Moral Choices  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 14: 13–21
Summary: When Jesus outlined moral values, he put feeding the hungry at the top of his priority list. In fact he said that ultimately we would be judged on how well we did that. “I was hungry and you gave me food ….” Jesus fed a hungry crowd, but only after a young boy showed enough faith to give up his lunch. We too have a lunch basket, and we are called to faith. We are called to believe that with our “Yes” God will work miracles.
A Proper 13 Ordinary Time 18 Proper 13 Pentecost 11 Palette
Feeding the Multitude, Then and Now  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 14: 13–21

Two popular responses to the accounts of Jesus’ feeding thousands of people are: “There must be a natural explanation,” and “It’s a miracle.” Neither is entirely satisfying. More to the point is who did it — Jesus as the presence of the creator. And his initial statement to his disciples reminds us that responding to the basic physical needs of people is part of the Christian community’s calling.

A Proper 13 Proper 13 Pentecost 10 Palette
Such a Picnic!  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 14: 13–21
Summary: Christ can help us set up a picnic in a deserted place, where we’re surrounded by needs great and small. Even when our store of food is ridiculously inadequate, the Master spreads a table before us.
A Proper 13 Ordinary Time 18 Proper 13 Pentecost 11 Palette
Supply and Demand  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 14: 13–21
Summary:  When we join the crowd at the seashore, we come to understand that God’s way with us is not one of bargaining but of wild abundance and generosity. And when we see what Christ can do with even the little that we do offer, the only thing that is needed is to figure out ways we can share God’s plenty with others.
A Proper 13 Ordinary Time 18 Proper 13 Pentecost 12 Palette
Where Miracles Begin  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 14: 13–21
Summary: Your generous heart is everything God needs to make miracles happen.
A Proper 13 Ordinary Time 18 Proper 13 Pentecost 8 Palette
Imagine the Barely Imaginable  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 14: 13–21
Summary: Jesus asked the disciples to go beyond the imaginable — to feed thousands of people with the meager resources and supplies they had.
A Proper 13 Proper 13 Pentecost 9 Palette
God Is the Creator Every Day  Click here Click title to view sermon Matthew 14: 13–21
Summary: Jesus’ feeding of the multitude was a “miracle,” though not necessarily something that violated the laws of nature. It points us to the work of the Creator of the world who provides us with our daily bread by working with creations like the sun, plants, the earth and humans. Belief in God as the Creator of all things is part of the revelation of God that we are given in the whole story of Jesus.
A Proper 13 Ordinary Time 18 Proper 13 Pentecost 9 Palette
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