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Homilies on Trinity Sunday

You searched for sermons preached on: Trinity Sunday, Cycle A
Beyond a Tribal God  Click here Click title to view sermon John 3: 16–18
Summary: Even for those of us who believe God to be infinite and most high, the notion of a tribal God may lurk beneath the faith we proclaim. Thus, even believers are in need of a rebirth. As Christians we claim that Jesus saves us. But what exactly does he save us from and how did he and how does he do it? History demonstrates that divisions among people do not work. Our faith tells us that division is not in the plan of God. We are called to be reborn to a realization of this truth.
A Trinity Sunday Palette
Famous Last Words  Click here Click title to view sermon 2 Corinthians 13: 11–13
Summary:  Paul’s last words in his second letter to the Corinthians call for seeming impossibilities: Aim for perfection, be of one mind, live at peace. But then he mentions the Trinity and such things don’t seem so impossible after all.
A Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Holy Trinity Palette
God for Everyone  Click here Click title to view sermon 2 Corinthians 13: 11–13
Summary: The Trinity is based on the belief that the one God is revealed in three distinct persons. While that concept and belief is not an easy one to grasp, the fact is that God meets us and teaches us and helps us in many ways. God appears in different ways at different times to draw us to salvation and to godly living. The Trinity is a way to explain that God is for everyone.
A Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Palette
The Pucker–Up Parish  Click here Click title to view sermon 2 Corinthians 13: 11–13
Summary: If a church regularly exercises enough hospitality to make newcomers and regular attendees welcome, it is a church. If it doesn’t, it is not.
A Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Holy Trinity Palette
Three Great Words  Click here Click title to view sermon 2 Corinthians 13: 11–13
Summary: Three words in a famous biblical blessing — grace, love and communion — capture the good news of the Gospel.
A Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Holy Trinity Palette
Who Is Our God?  Click here Click title to view sermon 2 Corinthians 13: 11–13
Summary: St. Paul’s final words in his second letter to the Corinthian church summarize what Christianity teaches about God as Trinity. We proclaim one God who is revealed as Creator, Savior and Comforter.
A Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Holy Trinity Palette
Parting Thoughts  Click here Click title to view sermon 2 Corinthians 13: 11–13
Summary: In this passage Paul encourages the Corinthian church members, who at times have been quite contentious, to rejoice and to live and work together. He concludes the letter with a benediction reminding the church that God surrounds them with the grace of Christ, the love of the Father and the community of the Holy Spirit. Our world today needs these same reminders.
A Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Holy Trinity Palette
Got Peace?  Click here Click title to view sermon 2 Corinthians 13: 11–13

True peace is not the product of our own efforts but is a gift from God.

A Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Trinity Sunday Holy Trinity Palette
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