Summary: In Jesus’ encounter with the Canaanite woman, we see a growth in Jesus that recapitulates and then goes beyond traditional Jewish attitudes toward Gentiles. Jesus’ response here pointed the way for the early church when it began its mission in the world. |
Summary: The story of Jesus and the Canaanite woman has some resemblance to a court tale, but we shouldn’t skip to the ending. |
Summary: The gospel story today may be difficult to hear. It appears at first sight that Jesus is insensitive and even prejudiced. However, if we keep faith as the woman in the story did and listen between the lines, we might hear something about a world that tends to divide itself in ways that God never intended. This woman who never went to church has something important to show the people who do. |
Summary: In Jesus’ encounter with a certain Canaanite woman, there is more than meets the eye. Jesus does the woman the honor of debating her, raising her to his own social level. Her plucky determination is an example to the disciples (and to us) that we are all equal in God’s eyes. |
Summary: When seeming random events come together for our good, we should not be too quick to label them as fate, luck, good fortune or coincidence. Try one of these words instead: providence, synchronicity, grace, serendipity or the German word, zufall. What they communicate is that God is likely behind the action, so that goodness and mercy may follow us. |
Summary: In this confrontation between Jesus and a foreign woman, we see Jesus in all his humanity, and we see the fullest potential of our own humanity and what we can be. Most of all, we are affirmed in our most basic conviction: It is our faith that draws forth healing and saving grace. |
Summary: If Jesus is your master, you’re doing better than you deserve to do. Enjoy a full and happy life with whatever blessings you have. |
Summary: At life’s borders, our determination to act in a Christlike way is often tested.
There are 8 sermons in your results. |